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Image Data Acquisition

Airborne and UAS-based aerial imaging. Services include standard red, green, blue (RGB), Color-Infrared (CIR, 4-band), 5 band multispectral + thermal imagery, and LiDAR. To request Data Acquisition Services, please start by completing this form:


Manned Airborne RGB

Based on a Nikon D810 sensor equipped with a variety of prime lenses and controlled by an Aviatrix Flight Management System. ASPIRE will contract with local providers for aircraft – surcharges may apply depending on aircraft operations costs.


Manned Airborne CIR

Based on 2x Nikon D810 sensors, one that has been modified to collect only Wavelengths exceeding 715nm, with a variety of prime lenses and controlled by an Aviatrix Flight Management System.

 ASPIRE will contract with local providers for aircraft – surcharges may apply depending on aircraft operations costs.



Can be completed using a variety of aircraft using <25MP sensors and code-based GPS, including DJI Mavic Pro’s or EBEE+. These data are not collected using RTK or PPK, but can be processed with ground control to produce optical and photogrammetric products with spatial registrations ranging from 1-3 pixels RMSE depending on the quality of that ground control. Without ground control, registrations are typically 1-5 meter RMSE .



Completed using RTK/PPK capable aircraft such as the DJI M300 or Wingtra Gen-II and >25MP sensors, including the DJI P1 45MP medium format sensor and Sony RX1R II 42MP sensor.


UAS Multispectral Basic

Completed using a code-based GPS (i.e., not RTK or PPK) such as the DJI M210 or M600 and the MicaSense Altum sensor, which collects Blue, Red, Green, Red-edge, Near-infrared, and Thermal-infrared (TIR) bands. Note that the TIR band is a courser spatial resolution than other bands; for example, a 120m above ground level (AGL)  acquisition will result in a 5.2cm ground sampling distance (GSD) for all bands except TIR, which will have a GSD of ~81cm.


UAS Multispectral Pro

Completed using a wave-form GPS (i.e., RTK or PPK capable) capable platforms such as the DJI M300 and the MicaSense Altum sensor, which collects Blue, Red, Green, Red-edge, Near-infrared, and Thermal-infrared bands. Note that the TIR band is a courser spatial reolution than other bands; for example, a 120m above ground level (AGL)  acquisition will result in a 5.2cm ground sampling distance (GSD) for all bands except TIR, which will have a GSD of ~81cm.



Completed using a wave-form GPS (i.e., RTK or PPK capable) capable platforms such as the DJI M300 and the DJI L1 Lidar sensor, which also collects RGB imagery (i.e, <25MP) simultaneous to the LiDAR data. Note that the RGB imagery collected is suitable for colorizing the LiDAR point cloud and visualization, but not for photogrammetric purposes.  

Field Surveys

Often conducted in conjunction with airborne surveys, a range of ground-based spatial data collection services, including GPS surveys and field spectra collection, are available.


RTK Field Survey  

RTK Field Survey provides the opportunity for centimeter to sub-decimeter accuracy (3-6mm horizontal and vertical RMSE) depending on the needs of the project. ASPIRE uses both Trimble R10 and Emlid Reach systems, with post-correction completed using the NOAA OPUS service.


Non-RTK GPS field survey

Non-RTK GPS field surveying provides accuracy in the 1-5 meter RSME range depending on conditions.


Field Spectra (350-2400nm) collection

The ASD Multispec 4 Standard can be used for both field and lab spectroscopy, with 2-4 nm FWHM. All samples are normalized to a standardized reflectance panel using the Viewspec Pro software.

Data Processing, Visualization, and Analytics

To analyze and visualize remote sensing and other spatial data, a variety of spatial data analysis and development services are offered.


SFM-MVS Processing

Creation of 3D models using Structure-from-Motion (SFM) and Multi-View-Stereo (MVS) using Agisoft Metashape Professional. This fee includes ASPIRE computing power, the use of software, and analyst time to complete the processing. All SFM-MVS processing projects include a report, including an independent accuracy assessment when suitable ground control points are available.


GIS and Remote Sensing Analysis (computing included)

Trained analysts complete remote sensing and geospatial modeling tasks including image classification, digitization, machine learning model calibration, and other tasks.


Software Development/Integration

Custom geospatial software development, including web-mapping applications and crowdsourced data collection platforms.


Geospatial Workstation Rental

ASPIRE hosts 6 image-processing workstations equipped with GPU processing capabilities and the ability to support virtual desktops equipped similarly. All workstations have access to centralized, server storage and a full suite of GIS software including TerrSet, ArcGIS, ENVI, Agisoft Metashape Professional, Trimble Business Center, Microsoft Office Suite, and Adobe Creative Suite.


Viz Lab Rental

ASPIRE and the UNM Interdisciplinary Science Cooperative maintains a 300sqft visualization lab containing a 20,480 x 6,480-pixel visualization wall made up of eighteen 65” 4k screens, as well as an attached auxiliary working space. This space is available for research and conferences.