Xi Gong
- Faculty -
Assistant Professor

- Department/Affiliation:
- Geography & Environmental Studies
- Email:
- xigong@unm.edu
- Education:
- Ph.D. Geographic Information Science, Texas State University, 2016
M.Sc. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011
B.Eng. Spatial Informatics and Digitalized Technology (GIS & Software Engineering), Wuhan University, 2008 - ResearchGate
My past and current research focuses on Geospatial Data Science, which is an emerging interdisciplinary field intersecting GIScience, computational sciences, and mathematical-statistical sciences. On the theoretical side, my research develops and implements novel spatial-temporal data mining algorithms, environmental exposure assessment methods, and visual analytics approaches for high-dimensional data. On the practical side, my work includes exploring associations between environment risk factors and health effects in spatial big data, discovering knowledge from human trajectory data at different scales, and investigating patterns from social media big data.
You can find more information at my website.
Recent Publications:
Gong, X., Lin, Y., Bell, M.L., Zhan, F.B. 2018. Associations between maternal residential proximity to air emissions from industrial facilities and low birth weight in Texas, USA. Environment International. 120:181–198.
Gong, X., Lin, Y., Zhan, F.B. 2018. Industrial air pollution and low birth weight: a case-control study in Texas, USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (2018) 25: 30375.
Gong, X., Brender, J.D., Langlois, P.H., Lin, Y., Zhan,F.B. 2016. Validity of the Emission Weighted Proximity Model in estimating air pollution exposure intensities in large geographic areas. Science of the Total Environment. 563–564: 478–485.
Pei, T., Gong, X., Shaw, S., Ma, T., Zhou, C. 2012. Clustering of Temporal Event Processes, International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 27(3): 484-510.