- Project -

National Science Foundation
  • Christopher  Lippitt (Geography and Environmental Studies)
  • Mark  Stone (Civil Engineering)
  • Laura  Crossey (Earth and Planetary Sciences)
  • Ricardo  González-Pinzón (Civil Engineering)
  • Jillian  Rutherford


The Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI) and the University of New Mexico are the joint awardees of a National Science Foundation Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP) grant. The objectives of this project are to: (1) improve instructional and research capacity at SIPI in the area of geosciences with a focus on watershed science; (2) increase the enrollment and graduation rate of SIPI students and their transfer rate to and completion rate at UNM; (3) develop culturally engaging curriculum for SIPI and UNM faculty and students in geoscience advancements through collaborative watershed research with faculty and graduate students from both institutions; and (4) build ties between Native American communities and SIPI through projects that incorporate indigenous knowledge and cutting-edge technology.

Through this grant, the Center for the Advancement of Spatial Informatics and Education has developed a series of learning modules on remote sensing and watershed science topics for use at tribal colleges. They are available to the public on our resources page [link].